Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Bad Hair Days begin!

Now, we all know about bad hair days. Boys have 'em. Girls have 'em. Even bald people have 'em! We all know the minor bad hair day, the really bad hair day, and THIS:

But even when your looks ready to sprout legs and pop, its not as bad as mine.

 For me, a bad hair day is simply everything that went wrong that day. So give it up for the first collection of.........
BAD HAIR DAYS! (With me, caity)

 Ok, so today, the worst thing ever imaginable happened;
I had to wake up early. ON A SATURDAY! I mean, talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed! Today was my brother brodies karate tournament. It was boring, but I managed to stay awake in time to see my little bro preform.
 Instead of going into major details about how his kicks matched his sword or what ever we're just gonna move along! Ok, so right before my brother preformed, I strolled over to a dip and dots stand. I mean, cookie dough is the only one I really like, but it was like 96 degrees and it was cold and had flavor, so I stalked over to the stand.  "Hello, lil missie, what can I get fur yah?" the guy said it like he was straight from texas.
 "Uh..." I looked down, expecting to find cookie dough, but guess what? THEY RAN OUT. now the only one that resembled something edible was rainbow, so I bought it with all of my $5.50.
 When you think of unicorn poop, you think rainbows, right? So imagine it tasting 50 times worse and double that. The number you just came up with will never compare to how disgusting that stuff was. It litterly tasted like all the bad things in the world colored rainbow and rotten.
 So, about a second before my bros performnce, i almost choke on pure unicorn poop and strut up to the garbage can to beautifly spit that gunk out and throw the rest away. Then I watched my bro perform. It was a pretty awfull day.
 And to top it all off, my caring father took us to a love bug infested boardwalk, where we feasted on greasy fried clams (Ew) and even grosser ice cream (Ewwww).
 Someone needs to get me a comb, because this has been a bad hair day.

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